Broadway World - All My Sons

“[…] Chris (the charismatic Jack Tynan)[…] This is a talented cast and what they do best is emotion. Specifically Belnick, Tynan, Sterling, and Francesca Casale (Kate). Each draws on whatever acting technique to stir up and purge out true, real, heart-pounding emotion. Specifically, on opening night performance, Tynan's ugly-cry and Casale's gut-wrenching bellow of pain and sorrow at the end of the play that came from the pit of her stomach and echoed throughout the small space of the theatre.” - Jeffrey Scott

Hollywood Revealed - All My Sons

Jack Tynan centers the play. His Chris is both the protagonist and a victim here, a man with a moral compass looking for the truth. When his character falls to pieces in the last act, his pain is palpable. Tynan digs deep and makes some vulnerable choices that are filled with pain and emotion. All My Sons is an American classic and this production at the Lounge Theatre does it right. Bring your handkerchiefs. You’re going to need them.” - Peter Foldy

Discover Hollywood - All My Sons

Tynan finds the right tone for the virtuous Chris and we feel for him[…] Tynan stands out and seems to have a firm grasp on his character and is able to give him layers that makes us root for him.” - Patricia Garcia

Stage Raw - All My Sons

"Tynan is well-cast as the forward-thinking and idealistic Chris, eager to break out of his family’s false sense of security and do what is right in order to create an honest future for he and his hopeful-wife." - Lara J. Altunian *RECOMMENDED

Broadway World - Farragut North

Jack Tynan totally nails the asshole aspect of his lead character Stephen. Never once in these entire chain of events do you feel any empathy for the way consequences turn out for this supposedly charismatic and brilliant assistant campaign manager. Tynan's confession and termination scenes (with the wonderful Geoffrey Lower as Paul, Stephen's boss) really pop and sizzle, with their tension and their clashing confrontation rating as the drama's highlights. Matching those two scenes with the same intensity, but with much more subtle underplaying by the powerful Andy Umberger as the competing campaign manager Tom; Tynan and Umberger match wits and reasoning as the reversal of who's on top vigorously and intriguingly play out in their first and third very satisfying pivotal scenes together.” - Gil Kaan

Stage Scene LA - Farragut North

"As Steve, Tynan proves a dynamic stage presence with leading man chops opposite Los Angeles stage-and-screen vet Lower’s more experienced (though no less calculating) Paul, and just wait till the second act when sparks between the colleagues-turned-adversaries fly[...] Forget the misguided film version, retitled The Ides Of March, Farragut North on stage at the Odyssey is the real deal." - Steven Stanley

Hollywood Revealed - Farragut North

"Jack Tynan confidently portrays Stephen. With his good looks, sharp communication skills and political savvy, Tynan makes it easy for us to believe that Stephen cannot fail. [...] Farrugut North is compelling theater that is perhaps more relevant in today’s world than when it was first created. This slick production does the story proud." - Peter Foldy

Stage Raw - Farragut North

"Tynan strikes the right balance as an equal parts charming and dislikable protagonist. He easily wields a smug what’s-in-it-for-me sensibility, whether in the backroom or the bedroom. As the play progresses, his boyish charm is usurped by his increasingly despicable behavior." - Dana Martin

LA Theatre Bites -Farragut North

"The cast is led by Jack Tynan as Stephen Bellamy, who brings an earnest and vulnerable performance as a campaign coordinator caught in a dangerous web of political gamesmanship and egos." - Matthew Robinson

Culture Spot LA - Farragut North

"Tynan inhabits his role convincingly, with his mobile phone glued to his ear, multitasking his way through a thousand details of a nascent presidential primary campaign." - David Maurer

OnStage Award - Farragut North

Voted "Outstanding Actor in a Leading Role in a Play" for 'Farragut North' at the Ridgefield Theater Barn - The 2017 OnStage Theatre Awards - CT/NY Region.

Newtown Bee - Farragut North

"On stage throughout the entire play, Jack Tynan gives a powerhouse, pitch perfect performance. He never misses a beat throughout reams of fast-paced dialogue he delivers flawlessly. He has captured this character." - Beth Young"

Ridgefield Press - Farragut North

"Jack Tynan delivers a strong performance as the public relations prodigy Stephen, easily capturing the character’s development as desperation pits career survival against personal ideals." - Adam Horvath